Hillary Hamilton for Auditor
Proven Experience & Leadership...the Right Choice for Clark County!
Hillary Hamilton for Auditor


Elect Hillary Hamilton for Clark County, Ohio Auditor

Leadership. Trust. Experience.

I have been in public service since 2006.  My work experience at the Clark County Auditor’s Office has provided a solid understanding of the broad scope of duties required of the county auditor and the statutes that county auditors have to abide by. Auditors are creatures of the statute and can only perform the functions written in law.   

In 2023, the Board of Clark County Commissioners appointed me to serve as the interim Auditor and was later formally appointed by the Republican Central Committee as your Auditor for the unexpired term of my predecessor, John Federer.  My professional goal is to be elected to the Auditor’s seat by the citizens of Clark County in 2024. 

As Auditor,  I have a duty to be a prudent steward of tax dollars and will be diligent as the Chief Appraiser, Tax Assessor, and Chief Financial Officer.  I have a vision for the Office, and accept the challenge to move it forward, but will do so being mindful of the past.

The Office responsibilities are vast and widespread, I will stay focused as a public servant and will be an advocate for the Citizens of Clark County, as the steward and watchdog over your tax dollars.

“As Auditor, I will strive to make a difference in the office one day at a time. My most important duty is to serve you, the people of Clark County.  The Citizens of Clark County deserve officials that are willing to go the extra mile and be accountable.  I pledge to do just that.”  






In my six months as your Auditor, we've faced challenges and celebrated victories together. Your commitment has allowed me to innovate, improve services, and prioritize transparency, all in the best interest of taxpayers. Here are some highlights of what we've achieved:

  • Our 2025 reappraisal process is in full swing, with a focus on analyzing daily sales data and preparing for ground-level assessments of all 66,626 parcels.
  • Despite staffing challenges, we've welcomed two new team members and initiated cross-training programs to create a versatile workforce by mid-2025, enhancing efficiency and communication.
  • We're leveraging cutting-edge technology, like Cyclomedia, to enhance our reappraisal efforts and provide our appraisers with state-of-the-art software for improved efficiency.
  • Keeping open lines of communication with taxpayers remains a top priority, ensuring they are informed of deadlines and developments within the Auditor's Office.


Political advertisement paid for by the Elect Hillary Hamilton for Auditor Campaign and approved by the candidate.

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